Tim Burchett UAP Hearing July 2023

Explore the upcoming UAP hearing on July 26, 2023, led by Congressman Tim Burchett, who seeks UFO disclosure and transparency from the US government. Discover the background, claims, and expectations surrounding this significant event.


Congressman Tim Burchett is set to play a significant role in the upcoming UAP hearing on July 26, 2023. Burchett has made several claims about UFOs and the US government’s involvement in concealing information about them. As a member of the House Oversight Committee, he has been actively pushing for transparency and the release of classified files related to UFOs.During the UAP hearing in July 2023, Burchett is expected to raise allegations of a potential government cover-up to prevent the public from learning the truth about UFOs. He believes that the US government has been withholding evidence and files related to UFOs and possible alien life. Burchett has called for the release of these classified files and information, stating that the American public and Congress should have access to this information.

Furthermore, Burchett has speculated that extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity “can’t handle.” He has expressed concerns about the advanced capabilities displayed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and believes that it is important for the American people to have access to this information and for Congress to take the issue seriously.

Congressman Tim Burchett has made several claims about UFOs. These include:

  • The government is hiding evidence of UFOs: Burchett has stated that the US government has been withholding information and files related to UFOs and possible alien life. He believes that there is evidence that has not been made public.
  • Calls for the release of files: Burchett has called for the release of classified files and information regarding UFOs. He believes that the American public and Congress should have access to this information.
  • Allegations of a government cover-up: Burchett has raised allegations of a potential government cover-up to prevent the public from learning the truth about UFOs. He suggests that there may be a deliberate effort to hide information about UFO sightings and encounters.
  • Extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity “can’t handle”: Burchett has speculated that extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity “can’t handle”.

Overall, Congressman Burchett claims that the government has known about UFOs and has been actively concealing evidence and information from the public. He believes that it is important for the American people to have access to this information and for Congress to take the issue seriously.

In the past ten years, the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) has often been met with mockery and dismissal by lawmakers. However, it is important to note that attitudes have shifted significantly in recent years, with more politicians taking the issue seriously. For example, in 2008, a Reuters article reported that a Japanese politician who had been to space believed in the existence of life beyond Earth, which was met with skepticism and ridicule at the time.

In recent years, the US government has become more open about the subject of UAPs, issuing a watershed unclassified report in 2021 cataloging observations, mostly from US Navy personnel, dating back to 2004. This shift in perception is likely due to the growing number of credible reports and the release of previously classified information, which has prompted lawmakers to take the issue more seriously and demand further investigation and transparency.

The House Oversight Committee hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) is scheduled to take place on July 26, 2023. Reps. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) and Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) have confirmed the date, but no specific details regarding the time or who will testify have been provided. As the hearing approaches, more information about the schedule and witnesses may become available. One potential witness could be Luis Elizondo, who has previously stated his willingness to testify at a Congressional UAP hearing.

The next couple of weeks will be very exciting.

1 Comment

  1. I’m encouraged by the likes of Tim Burchett in his push to uncover classified information held on so-called UAPs, but won’t be entirely happy until open diplomatic relations and dialogue is held with the G.A.N.Z.I. We as a civilization can obviously learn much from them and the answer to many of our questions and pressing issues will be found.